Bitesize Notion

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Using Notion’s Database Feature: A Beginner’s Guide

Cozy home office with a laptop on a wooden desk showing the Notion logo, surrounded by notebooks, a cup of coffee, and a well-lit living space in the background.

Hello Notioneers!

The introduction of systems like Notion Databases was revolutionary. This powerhouse tool is the foundation of both my personal and professional use of Notion, streamlining and enhancing my workflow significantly. It is one of Notion’s features I would recommend getting to grips with as soon as possible. Whether you’re tracking projects, cataloging a collection, or planning events, databases in Notion can be customized to fit your needs. So let’s dive into this Notion tutorial…

  • A database in Notion is a collection of pages organized in a table, board (Kanban-style), calendar, gallery or list format.
  • Each item in a database represents a piece of information, similar to a row in a spreadsheet.
  • Each page within the database can contain detailed information, making it perfect for complex data organization.
  • To create a database, start a new page and choose from the variety of database templates that appear when you start typing “/database” for example “Table view”, “Board view” etc.
  • Once your chosen database is selected, click “+ New database”.
  • Each entry in a database has properties. Think of these as categories or columns in a spreadsheet (like ‘Name’, ‘Date’, ‘Status’).
  • Notion allows many types of properties, including text, numbers, dates, checkboxes, and more – to add a new property click “+” located to the right of the columns and test out the various types.
  • Notion allows you to customize your database including the database title, the property names and icons – you can also edit a property.
  • Notion allows you to change your database views. For instance, use the table view for detailed data and the board view for a Kanban-style project management – to add more views to your table click “+” located to the right of “Table” and select the best fit for your needs.
  • Filters and sorts can be applied to manage and navigate your data efficiently.
  • Add new entries by simply typing into the database or using the “New” button.
  • Each entry in the database can be expanded into a full page by hovering over the entry and clicking “Open”, you can then add detailed notes, images, and other blocks – similarly to previous simple pages.

Notion’s databases are a dynamic tool for anyone looking to organize complex information with ease. By understanding the basics and experimenting with different formats and properties, you can tailor your databases to meet your specific needs. Also, a personal note: remember you can use multiple databases. I learned this the hard way by trying to put everything into a single database!

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